Saturday, November 29, 2008

Long Time, No Blog!

I have a break from grad school until January, so maybe I'll do a little better during the month of December with my blogging. Here are just a few pics that I haven't been able to post yet.

Don't you just want to squeeze him???

Will working in class on his cutting skills.
Will getting assistance from Ms. Cordell

Today was the first day that I attempted to get a Christmas card picture. It always stresses me out every year and here are some examples why....uncooperative children. I did end up getting some cute shots with Billy's help. He stood behind me and pretended to hit me on the head with a big ornament and it cracked them up. I'll post some of those later.

However, Kooper dog always knows how to take a pretty picture!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

This Halloween was far different from last year. I was toting Jake on my hip last year since he could not even sit up yet. This year I spent half of the night chasing after him. He is not one to stay right by my side as his big brother did. We went to a few friends' houses to trick or treat and then went to two churches, ours and a friend's, the rest of the time. We couldn't stay out long because of Jake's early bedtime, but Will had just as much fun helping pass out candy once we got back home.

Will showing his "game" face

My little monkey

An attempt at a group shot

Monkey on the loose
Look closely...this boxer has a black eye, but he informed everyone that he won the fight.In one of the bouncy houses at our church
Jake in the bouncy house...he looks like a caged monkey!