Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Last week the boys celebrated Easter with my mom and dad since they were here for Jake's birthday, so we've been hunting eggs all week. They both had Easter egg hunts at their schools and Saturday we went to Jacksonport for the annual egg hunt. Will moved to the "big kid" category and I wasn't allowed to help him hunt for eggs, but I had my hands full helping Jake. After the egg hunt, Will went home with Miller and they had fun dying Easter eggs at his house. Sunday we went to church with Billy's parents and had a nice lunch with them afterwards (Ginker makes the BEST chicken and dressing I've ever tasted!!) Since the weather was yucky, they settled for hunting eggs inside at Ginker's house. Here are a few pics from all the festivities...
Jacksonport Egg Hunt

Will is way out there in the middle bent down...

Ginker and Coach's house after church

Dismantling the baskets Nana and Papaw brought last week

Friday, April 10, 2009

Will's Big News

Will lost his first tooth this week (and three others are loose)! I can't believe he is old enough for this to start happening! I had a milestone, too...I pulled it! I NEVER pulled any of my own teeth, but I did it for Will because he thought Billy would be too rough. It was really loose, so it just took a little jerk. Will was so excited to go to bed that night and woke up extra early (6:00 am) to find out what the tooth fairy left him.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jake!!

I know everyone says that "time flies" about their kids growing up, and it really does! Parents know this better than anyone else. At each phase of my boys lives I have just wanted to freeze them because they are at such a cute stage, but it just keeps getting better! (Hopefully, their teen years won't be too bad!) Here are a few pics from his first 2 years...

One day old...

6 weeks old

3 months old
3 months old (with 3 year old Will)

6 months old

still 6 months old

9 months old

1 year

1 year (again)

1 year (again...I couldn't narrow it down)

15 months

18 months (my little monkey)
22 months

2 years old!!

Jake, you warm our hearts with that big ole smile, and I don't know what I would do without you. You are learning new things each and everyday, soaking up everything like a sponge. I love the way you watch your big brother and so fearlessly try to do everything that he does...even though you almost cause me to have a heart attack in the process! You truly add joy to our lives, and I am so proud to call you my son. Happy Birthday, Jakey Baby!! Love, Mommy

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Jake's Party

We celebrated Jake's 2nd birthday this weekend at Jacksonport State Park. It was a little windy, but other than that it was a perfect afternoon for his party. The party was mainly a family party, but Will insisted that we invite Miller because Jake is Miller's "pretend brother". Also, we invited the Kieffner's. They are such good friends that they feel like family! The kids (and grown ups) flew kites, played in the sand, played on the playground equipment, took part in a little rock skipping in the river, and grilled hot dogs. Here are a few pics from the day...

My little baby is growing up too fast!!